might believe that life has meaning, but any meaning we assert onto it, is just a personal belief.
All the violence and horror we observe in life is a consequence of how some of us assert their own meaning of life.
Violence and brutality are always a result of a life meaning that asserts the primacy of separation over connection.
The meaning of life is what you are believing about life right now.
Many such beliefs have a combination of connection and separation.
Every story you invent about your life reflects the meaning of life as you believe it to be.
Seeking to strip all meaning from life, is itself, a form of meaning.
Life does not tell us its meaning. It is human beings who create meaning within it.
Meaning is always a matter of interpretation.
Judgment is a form of meaning creation.
The body and its feelings, if we can touch those feelings is full of meaning.
Much of the meaning we nurture in life is how we react to the meaning of life as expressed by others.
Life is nothing but meaning.