There is no dropbox list of Frequencies.Can You please make it once more and attach?Thanx.
10 months ago•
+PaolinaLive Hi, I have posted new links to Dropbox list of frequencies.
10 months ago•2
Greg Ginns
This video make me feel vibrations all over my body specifically around the crown, throat, and heart chakra areas. Also tingles in my finger tips.
1 month ago•5
I thought I was hallucinating, but glancing through the comments, it seems that I am not the only one experiencing tingling and vibrations!
2 weeks ago•1
Janah Asana
felt it in my right eye and brain, a bit in my navel chakra felt less heavy now my throat feels less blocked. my pineal is lighting up... more than it has in a while... I can see "the world's" clearer. And it's charging getting rid of the nasties that were trying to hide while my third eye was blinded.
4 weeks ago•
jairo temoteo
21st May 2015. Many thanks dear friend in sharing this outstanding video with us.
3 months ago•1
Janah Asana
felt it in my right eye and brain, a bit in my navel chakra felt less heavy now my throat feels less blocked. my pineal is lighting up... more than it has in a while... I can see "the world's" clearer. And it's charging getting rid of the nasties that were trying to hide while my third eye was blinded.
4 weeks ago•
Sofia Fuentes
Thank you for this video, I noticed less pain to my joints n plantar of my feet.
6 months ago•4
Darkstar the nightwing (chicken neck)
also the reason why you feel the audio instead of hear it is beacus specific parts of the bodie resonate at certain wavelenghts like 15hz, sometimes if you are in a room with a fan that spins wrong it can vibrate your eyes and make you see ghostly figures. but that doesent disprove ghost videos, eyes and cameras work differently
1 week ago•
You know; speaking of cats purring, somebody ought to do a vid with a loop of 2 cats purring, combined with 528 Hz binaurals and theta waves. I'll bet that would be AWESOME!
7 months ago•4
Rachael Blackmore
Seems to be doing something. I have a fuzz in my head. Anyone any suggestions. Thanks x
3 months ago•
Darkstar the nightwing (chicken neck)
this vidoe could help but only if you truly believe and if you cant hear anything
1 week ago•
It made my cat purr.....
7 months ago•2
Darren Shade
Vibrates my entire body, unsure that it is doing anything yet but Thank you
1 year ago•1
Michael Starr
Are you able to use two to three frequencies at on time?
8 months ago•
Misty Mori
+Michael Starr They would cancel out and change the overall frequency.
1 month ago•
Darrell Mills
Anything for tinnitus. It's been a real beast of late. I listened to the 15hz and it intensified the ringing. Any recommendations would be appreciated
8 months ago•
Deb W
+Catseye713 Yes . I found using pectin in a capsule in combination with rutin worked !
7 months ago•1
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After 6 minutes listening developed a hot, poking like sensation from under the skin at my centre groin. Base chakra issues?
11 months ago•
Marci Nelson
3 months ago•
1 year ago•2
Really good, thank you
1 year ago•2
sounds like a Huey flying on an lz
1 year ago•1
robert christensen
Sounds like my Montgomery-Wards ridin lawnmower , just before it caught fire and blew up.
2 years ago•2
Carlos Ramirez
1 year