Hikaru!" Kaoru cried as his brother leaned in close and cupped his face.
"Yes?" Hikaru asked seductively. Kaoru blushed.
"P-please don't tell that story in public!" Kaoru stammered out. Their twincest act was really starting to annoy you, and you weren't sure why.
"I'm sorry Kaoru. You just looked so cute, I couldn't help myself." Hikaru said with a seductive smile. You sighed and stood up from the table you were at with Honey. You always requested Honey, but all you did was watch the twins. Well, occasionally you'd watch Honey. He was too cute not to. You grabbed your bag, gave Honey a pat on the head, and exited the room. You were walking so fast you didn't notice a certain redhead giving you a concerned glance.
You had been new to Ouran, you had been there for a few months now, and had almost all your classes with the twins. You had grown really close to them; especially Kaoru. Haruhi(who you were also really close with) thought that you liked him, but you denied it. You couldn't like him. Whenever you had liked people in the past, they had never liked you back. And you didn't want to ruin your friendship by finding out.
As you were walking away, a redhead was running after you. You, however, were too lost in thought to hear his feet slapping the tile, or his calls for you. Finally, you snapped out of your thoughts and heard Kaoru calling for you. You turned around but Kaoru was unable to stop and crashed into you. You both fell on the floor, with you somehow on top. Kaoru was blushing furiously, but you were surprisingly calm. You studied his face and decided that you may never get a chance like this again. Even though you didn't want to ruin your friendship, you wanted to kiss him too, and the idea of kissing him beat out the worry.
You pressed your lips roughly to his, expecting him to pull away or shove you off, so imagine your surprise when he started kissing you back. With more passion than you were using. That shocked you and you pulled away to look at him. He looked slightly hurt that you pulled away, but you had to ask.
"Kaoru, am I another toy? If anything happens between us, is it going to last, or are you going to drop me and get a new toy?" You asked quietly, __e/c__ eyes shining with tears. The thought of Kaoru with someone else, it hurt. Kaoru looked at you in surprise, but remained silent. Tears started falling and you moved to get off him; to no avail. He had wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back down onto him.
"__y/n__, I like you. A lot. And I promise, I will not just 'drop you and get a new toy'. You're too special for that, and I have no intention of hurting you." Kaoru said gently. He then surprised you by flipping you over. He was straddling you and it was now your turn to blush. He licked the tears off your face with a seductive wink and stood up. Kaoru offered you his hand with a smile. You gratefully took it and he pulled you through the halls, and past the Host Club.
"Um, Kaoru, where are we going?" You asked anxiously. Kaoru turned around and winked at you.
"My place."