I would like to clarity that the point to waive is the Financial Product (Campaign) in the system. My originally wording of Insurance Campaign was based on the specific campaign that is having the problem. I am sorry for confusion. Please acknowledge as follows instead.
Please kindly be requested the GA authority for waiving Financial Product in CMS Activation in case of invalid Financial Production. Detail is below;
Issue is raised that "Financial Product (Campaign) is in-active at the time of activating contract and blocking contract activation, which is not correct to what we requested the system to operate.
Work around is to have GA waive "Financial Product (Campaign) effective date, which can be done immediately in order continue the contract activation and make payment to dealers in time. GA can check the submission date to ensure the submission date is within the Campaign effective date, which is our requirement and waive manually. This has been cleared from Audit that manual control is acceptable.
I apologize again for the such mis-wording.