Terms & Acronyms:
• LTIR – Lost Time Incident Rate: Metric that examines lost time incidents compared to man-hours worked. Formula: number of LTI’s * 200,000 / man-hours
• DARTIR – Days Away, Restricted/Transfer Incident Rate: Metric that examines both lost time and restricted duty incidents compared to man-hours worked. Formula: number of LTI’s + number of restricted duty incidents * 200,000 / man-hours
• TRIR – Total Recordable Incident Rate: Metric that examines lost time, restricted duty and medical treatment only incidents compared to man-hours. Formula: number of LTI’s + number of restricted duty + number of medical treatment only incidents * 200,000 / man-hours.
• MVIR – Motor Vehicle Incident Rate: Metric that examines vehicle incidents compared to miles (KM’s) driven. Formula: number of vehicle incidents * 1,000,000 / total miles driven
• EMERA – Europe, Middle East, Russia and Africa
ข้อตกลงและคำย่อTerms & Acronyms:
• • LTIR LTIR - – หายไปเวลาที่เหตุการณ์ราคาLost Time Incident Rate: Metric that examines lost time incidents compared to man- -ชั่วโมงการทำงาน hours worked. Formula: number of LTI’s * 200,000 / man-hours
• DARTIR – Days Away, Restricted/Transfer Incident Rate: Metric that examines both lost time and restricted duty incidents compared to man-hours worked. Formula: number of LTI’s + number of restricted duty incidents * 200,000 / man-hours
• TRIR – Total Recordable Incident Rate: Metric that examines lost time, restricted duty and medical treatment only incidents compared to man-hours. Formula: number of LTI’s + number of restricted duty + number of medical treatment only incidents * 200,000 / man-hours.
• MVIR – Motor Vehicle Incident Rate: Metric that examines vehicle incidents compared to miles (KM’s) driven. Formula: number of vehicle incidents * 1,000,000 / total miles driven
• EMERA – Europe, Middle East, Russia and Africa
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