I am so much happy any-time I read your lovely respond, I can't wait to meet you in real life someday look into your eyes and tell you how much I love and care about you because you have all the qualities I need in a woman to call my wife ever since we start this relationship you brought joy and happiness into my life. i will like to visit you when i have holidays but i want to know you more better before i come because i never visit your country before I want you to know that distance and religion does't matter in relationship what is important is love and understanding, Like I told you about been single for so long, I have pray and ask God to direct me the way to follow to chose the love of my life and the woman of my dream, I thank him for directing you to me because is better for me to be with someone I love and be happy with her than to be with someone I don't love I will not happy all my life, I will like you to tell me more about your country culture, tradition with your pictures in you next letter, Remember that communication is the foundation of strong relationship send me your mobile number for easy Communication, Take Care and have a great Day