„Is you?” Sees this, Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen all are somewhat accidental, because this unexpectedly is Sima Ying.
„Is very accidental?” Sima Ying smiles looks at Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen, at this moment her injury already to recover completely, and on the face is hanging the tranquil smiling face, just liked she already the grief of her grandfather passing away.
„What do you come to here to make?” Bai Ruo Chen was not happy, sees Sima Ying this appearance, is angry.
Must know that three manage a household Elder to be seized by the penalty department now, has not the small relations with Sima Ying, is her unexpectedly so wind light Thin clouds, not only does not care about three Elder, and can also smile, rather did not have the conscience.
„Actually I come to here, comes to apologize to you.” Suddenly, the Sima Ying complexion changes, dignified saying.
„What?” Hears this words, Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen stares, cannot believe that Sima Ying this person, can say this words unexpectedly.
„Sorry.” But, in Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen had suspected, Sima Ying actually really to them said sorry, and full is the apology, was bowing to two people.
Such, let Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen there, if this traded to do by the human, was the normal matter, but traded to do is Sima Ying, this somewhat was inconceivable.
After all this girl, cunning and unreasonable, there is many a worldly wisdom, Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen has profound understanding.
„I know that you are very good, at least in this core region that Azure Tree Mountain crossed, you are the talent that ten thousand people respect.”
„But, your present situations are very bad, but this, because of me, if not I am too impulsive, you are impossible to fall to today's so paddies, three seniors, impossible to be seized.”
„I really am bearer of ill luck (i), not only to subdue died the father mother, but also to subdue died the grandfather, now has implicated unexpectedly you, I really am too”
The words arrived here, Sima Ying have cried unexpectedly, and cried was getting more and more moved, finally kneeling of out-of-control on the ground, the shivering tender body started to twitch unexpectedly.
At this moment, the cunning and unreasonable girl of her where that truculent and unreasonable, radically is a pitiful child, became lost, the child who could not find the family member.
Saw this, Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen changes countenance.
No matter Sima Ying is overbearing, is arbitrary, but in the final analysis is also a girl, in her heart of hearts, has the frail place.
Just, her frail place, little reveals that but now, actually shows in Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen front.
Coming out that Chu Feng can look, she is not acting in a play, she is very guilty, is very ashamed, from her mood at this moment, her from the heart that Chu Feng can feel is rebuking oneself.
She apologized, to not implore forgiving of Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen, but thought that was really unfair to Chu Feng they, came to Chu Feng and Bai Ruo Chen said that the sound sorry.
At this moment, Chu Feng looked at Bai Ruo Chen, hint has made Bai Ruo Chen comfort Sima Ying, after all no matter what, the men and women did not give and receive, particularly he and Sima Ying were not very ripe, therefore made Bai Ruo Chen comfort her, better.
Although Bai Ruo Chen, has many views to Sima Ying, is at this moment, was tenderhearted, not hesitant, but started to go forward to comfort Sima Ying.
Sima Ying is actually very strong, was only just she frailest place, was triggered, therefore Bai Ruo Chen has comforted her simply, she then quickly returned to normal.
„Chu Feng, Bai Ruo Chen, I must walk.” Suddenly, Sima Ying said.