For loading plan of Mosetell product have continuous 3 day and we not sure that we can repacking in time because the bag arrive to Mckey on 13 evening from 12/12/14. Thus we must postpone start repacking to 14/12/14 which delay from old plan on12/12/14, night shift. That will impact to loading ability. After we start repacking we will inform the repacking speed again for tentative time to finish. However we will to speed up the repacking for loading on time. Moreover Karaage have first loading on 17/12/14 but we have a problem about the wrong artwork carton from customer specification. So we wait decision from RD, if we have to change new carton it will be effect to Mostell repacking because we must to switch to do this first. Tentative for new carton deliver to Mckey is 15/12/14