If you write by starting at the beginning, continuing to the end and then handing your essay in without redrafting or checking, there isn't much difference. But if you are prepared to think about your writing and improve it as you go through the writing process, there is a big difference. If you write by hand, the chances are that you write in a purely linear fashion. Writing on a computer frees you from a purely linear approach. You can begin and end anywhere, even writing your bibliography (which comes at the end of your essay) first, if you want to. It is this flexibility that your computer and the Writing Turbocharger will help you achieve. Also, using a computer can help you reflect on your writing and on how to write well. For example, you can learn a lot about the writing process by comparing earlier drafts with later drafts.The table below shows how your computer can help you to write better essays as well as saving you time and effort.