Lnvolvement items
Gambling says a lot about who l am gambling helps me maintain the type of life l strive for l fing that much of my life is organized around gambling gambling is important to me when l gamble others see me the way l them to see me you can tell a lot about a person when you see them gamblimg
Gambling offers me relaxation and fun when pressures build up gamnling is one of the most enjoyable things l do when l am gambling lget bored when other people talk to me about gambling
Most of my friends are in some way connected with gambling when l am with friends we often talk abour gambling
Percentage variance cumulative percentage variance
Most data on gambling tourism focuses rigidly on casino gambling other forms of gambling can be important incetain locations-such as course betting on horse races
Finally we have to recognize that gambling tourism is often controversial Austrasia for example there has been a vigorous debate over the building new casinos designed to put a place on the tourist map as a destination often the casino is not frequented by wealthy tourists but by less affluent local people spending money they cannot afford which clearly causes social problems
Religious touism
Trevelling for religionusreaons has been with us for centuries and repesnts a personal spiritual adventure for those taking part in it
Traditional pilgrimage tourism is still a massive phenomenon in tourism terms a report in travel and tourism analyst no 5 in 1999 offered data tha are now rather dated but still make the point about the significant scale