the warehouse context. It represents an initial step in building theory of important
contextual factors that may moderate the impact of RFID on process performance.
Figure 2 shows the proposed framework. Based on our framework, an RFID
implementation affects warehouse processes’ redesign which in turn affects process
performance. This relationship is influenced by the availability of several contextual
factors. To identify a complete list of such contextual factors within the warehouse
context, we incorporate in our framework the fundamental elements of warehouse design
and management. This is based on the affirmation that a contextual factor is any decision
that configures the warehouse in terms of structure and operation and thus the context
within which RFID is applied. Consistent with Rouwenhorst et al. (2000), we categorise the
contextual factors along three dimensions: structure, workflow and resources. For each
dimension, we identify factors that may moderate the impact of RFID based on a
combinatorial synthesis of the works proposed by Van den Berg and Zijm (1999),
De Koster et al. (2007), Gu et al. (2007) and Tompkins et al. (2003). In the following
subsections, all the appropriate factors are analysed. Each factor can take different levels
of complexity that distinguish one warehouse from another.
4.1 Structure-related contextual factors
Structure-related contextual factors can be considered as a set of factors that are mainly
concerned when starting-up a new warehouse or renovating/adding to an older one.
They are of a strategic nature, have a long-term impact and often concern high
investments. These factors seek primarily to configure the warehouse on an aggregated
level and not each process in depth. Table II gives the main factors identified. Regarding
our research objective, let us give an example of how this list helps in assessing the
impact of RFID. The mechanisation level can be regarded as a contextual factor
that moderates the impact of RFID. This means that a warehouse with a manual
mechanisation level may perceive more/less value from a warehouse with an automated