Liquefaction is an early step of starch hydrolysiswhich was functioned by α-amylase, an endo-enzyme which randomly hydrolyzes α-1,4 glycosidic linkages instarch molecule leading to the release of dextrins andoligosaccharides. This renders the product viscosity toobviously be reduced (10). High levels of dextrins andoligosaccharides are required since they will be furtherhydrolyzed by glucoamylase to yield glucose, a substratefor fermentation of lactic acid and other valuableproducts. Glucoamylase is a debranching enzyme whichhydrolyzes α-1,4 and α-1,6 glycosidic bonds (10).However, it is known that enzymes will fully function onlyunder their optimal conditions. Various factors are realizedto affect -amylase function. Information obtained fromthe product data sheet of Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmarkreviewed that the amounts of -amylase and CaCl2, pHand incubation temperature are among the most importantfactors. Calcium was said to improved α-amylasestability while pH and temperature are important physicalenvironments.