In the current energy scene of fossil fuel, renewable energy sources s การแปล - In the current energy scene of fossil fuel, renewable energy sources s ลัตเวีย วิธีการพูด

In the current energy scene of foss

In the current energy scene of fossil fuel, renewable energy sources such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane, and biomass from wastes or hydrogen have become the subjects of great interest.
These fuels contribute to the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels.
In addition,energy sources such as these could partially replace the use of those fuels which are responsible for environmental pollution and may be scarce in the future.
For these reasons they are known as “alternative fuels”.
Vegetable oil cannot be directly used in the diesel engine for its high viscosity, high density, high flash point and lower calorific value.
So it needs to be converted into biodiesel to make it consistent with fuel properties of diesel.
Biodiesel production is a valuable process which needs a continued study and optimization process.
The present study was intended to consider aspects related to the production of biodiesel from Neem oil and investigating its fuel properties.
The seeds of Neem contain 30-40 % oil.
This report deals with biodiesel obtained from Neem oil which are mono alkyl esters produced using ‘Transesterification’ process.
The optimum conditions to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel were investigated at different
temperatures and with different molar ratio of Neem oil and methanol.
The most expected result including layer of glycerin and soap has been investigated at 3:1 molar ratio of methanol and Neem oil at 55 to 61°C temperature ranges.
It was apparent that the fuel properties of biodiesel including density, kinematic viscosity and calorific value lie within the standards biodiesel properties especially (ASTM 6751-02) recommended standard of kinematic viscosity lies between 1.90 to 6.0 centistokes.
Biodiesel can make a major contribution in the future if it meets the few percent of petroleum and it can provide improved fuel properties lower emission of unburned hydrocarbons,carbon monoxide but higher level of oxides of nitrogen.
2012 The authors, Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Bangladesh Society
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ผลลัพธ์ (ลัตเวีย) 1: [สำเนา]
Pašreizējo enerģētikas ainu no fosilā kurināmā, atjaunojamās enerģijas avotiem, piemēram, biodīzeļdegviela, bioetanols, biomethane un biomasas atkritumi vai ūdeņradis ir kļuvuši subjektu lielu interesi. Šīs degvielas palīdzēt mazināt atkarību no fosilās degvielas. Turklāt enerģijas avotiem, piemēram, tie daļēji varētu aizstāt šo degvielu, kas ir atbildīgas par vides piesārņojumu un var būt ierobežoti nākotnē izmantošanu. Šo iemeslu dēļ tie ir pazīstami kā "Alternatīvā degviela". Dīzeļa dzinējs nevar tieši izmantot augu eļļu tās augstā viskozitāte, augsta blīvuma, augstu uzliesmošanas temperatūru un zemāku siltumspēju. Tātad tai ir konvertēta uz biodīzeļa veikt saskaņā ar dīzeļa degvielas īpašības. Biodīzeļdegvielas ražošana ir vērtīgs procesa, kas vajadzīga turpmāka izpēte un optimizācija. Šajā pētījumā bija paredzēts izskatīt aspektiem, kas saistīti ar biodīzeļdegvielas ražošanu no Neem eļļa un pētīt tā degvielas īpašības.Neem sēklas satur 30-40 % eļļas. Šajā ziņojumā aplūko biodīzeļdegvielu, kas iegūta no Neem eļļa, kas ir mono alkil esterus, kas ražots, izmantojot "Pāresterificēšanu" procesu. Optimālus nosacījumus, lai sasniegtu maksimālu produktivitāti biodīzeļdegvielas tika pētītas dažādostemperatūras un ar dažādiem molārā attiecība pret Neem eļļa un metanola. Visvairāk sagaidāmo rezultātu, ieskaitot slāņu glicerīns un ziepes izmeklēja pie 3:1 molārā attiecība metanola un Neem eļļa 55 līdz 61° C temperatūras diapazonus. Bija skaidrs, ka degvielas īpašības biodīzeļdegvielas blīvums, kinemātiskā viskozitāte un sadegšanas siltums atrodas īpaši (ASTM 6751 02) ieteicamā standarta kinemātiskā viskozitāte, kas atrodas starp 1,90 līdz 6.0 centistokes standartiem biodīzeļa īpašības. Biodīzeļdegviela var dot būtisku ieguldījumu nākotnē, ja tas atbilst dažus procentus no naftas, un tā var sniegt uzlabota degvielas īpašības zemāks emisiju nesadegušās ogļūdeņražu, oglekļa oksīda, bet augstāka līmeņa slāpekļa oksīdu.2012 autoriem publicējusi Elsevier SIA Izvēles un/vai speciālistu veiktu salīdzinošu pārskatīšanu, Bangladeša sabiedrības atbildību
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ลัตเวีย) 2:[สำเนา]
In the current energy scene of fossil fuel, renewable energy sources such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane, and biomass from wastes or hydrogen have become the subjects of great interest.
These fuels contribute to the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels.
In addition,energy sources such as these could partially replace the use of those fuels which are responsible for environmental pollution and may be scarce in the future.
For these reasons they are known as “alternative fuels”.
Vegetable oil cannot be directly used in the diesel engine for its high viscosity, high density, high flash point and lower calorific value.
So it needs to be converted into biodiesel to make it consistent with fuel properties of diesel.
Biodiesel production is a valuable process which needs a continued study and optimization process.
The present study was intended to consider aspects related to the production of biodiesel from Neem oil and investigating its fuel properties.
The seeds of Neem contain 30-40 % oil.
This report deals with biodiesel obtained from Neem oil which are mono alkyl esters produced using ‘Transesterification’ process.
The optimum conditions to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel were investigated at different
temperatures and with different molar ratio of Neem oil and methanol.
The most expected result including layer of glycerin and soap has been investigated at 3:1 molar ratio of methanol and Neem oil at 55 to 61°C temperature ranges.
It was apparent that the fuel properties of biodiesel including density, kinematic viscosity and calorific value lie within the standards biodiesel properties especially (ASTM 6751-02) recommended standard of kinematic viscosity lies between 1.90 to 6.0 centistokes.
Biodiesel can make a major contribution in the future if it meets the few percent of petroleum and it can provide improved fuel properties lower emission of unburned hydrocarbons,carbon monoxide but higher level of oxides of nitrogen.
2012 The authors, Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Bangladesh Society
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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