From the architect. First one to be ready for the 2014 World Cup, the most economical arena in the last four World Cups and the first one in South America do receive a LEED Certification, Castelão stands out as an architectural monument of international standards, where the new and the old harmoniously coexist.
The main goal of the stadium remodel project was to transform the stadium in a multi-function, sustainable arena. Today Castelão is unique due to its ability to integrate part of the existing structure with the new one, and also for feeling grand and eventful even when empty.
Elevation 1Section 25th Floor PlanSite Plan
The Castelão Arena was designed to be “the place for urban events” and to offer space for these events, the parking lots were eliminated, opening up into a great plaza. Located between two grandstands, this plaza works as an access hall to the stadium as well as a place to house temporary installations. The place establishes a relation to the topography where the State of Ceará Sports Secretariat was built as a part of the project, as well as other facilities that establish and interface the surroundings.