Fill in the blank: "Hiding" vegetables in food (like adding blended spinach to brownies) is a ___________ way to get children to eat their vegetables in the long-term.
True or False? Growing a plant such as basil requires considerable effort and gardening expertise.
Which of the following is recommended when cooking fish?
High temperature, relatively long cooking time
Low temperature, relatively long cooking time
High temperature, relatively short cooking time
Low temperature, relatively short cooking time
Which one of the following is INCORRECT with regard to cooking fish?
Larger fish, like tuna and swordfish can contain contaminants, so they should not be eaten every day or in excess.
Fish should be cooked at high temperatures for short amounts of time.
Fresh herbs like cilantro and chives should never be used to flavor fish as they reduce nutrient content and many children don’t like “green things” on their fish.
True or False? It is safest to not to let your children help out in the garden.
Which of the following is NOT one of the potential advantages of eating locally grown produce?
Locally grown produce often has a higher nutrient content because it’s not stored for prolonged periods of time during transport
Eating locally grown produce is better for the environment because it reduces the greenhouse gas emissions associated with long-distance transportation
Eating locally grown foods supports the local economy as farmers take home more of the net profits than when their produce needs to be shipped to distant places
Locally grown produce usually has synthetic nutrients added to it by processed food manufacturers
Which of the following is the best description for how to steam vegetables in a way that maximizes their nutrient content for our families?
Steam veggies over a small amount of water (or in a steamer basket if available) and remove while still slightly firm/crunchy
Boil veggies until they’re soft in a large amount of water and then strain them and throw away the water
Steam veggies over medium amount of water for a long time until the veggies are soft
Veggies should always be eaten raw and should never be cooked as cooking “kills” all the nutrients
You are shopping at your local grocery store in the frozen-foods section. Would ice-cream labeled “organic” be considered “healthy” for you and your children, no matter how much is eaten?
Definitely-- Organic foods are always healthy, no matter how much is eaten
Maybe not-- Organic foods aren’t always healthy foods, especially if eaten in excess
True or False? To prevent overcooking certain vegetables, you can add different vegetables to soups at different times.
If you know you will be gone for two days after you have just planted some small seeds, what can you do to prevent them from drying out? Choose ONE best answer.
Water the soil until there is a layer of water above the soil
Keep the plant away from the sunlight to prevent drying out
Push the seeds deep in the soil, where they will stay moist for a longer time
Cover the pot with plastic wrap
You would like to get some fresh, locally grown produce, but are worried that the produce at the farmer’s market will be too expensive. Should you automatically head to the supermarket instead?
Go to the supermarket! -- Locally grown items are almost always more expensive
Go to the farmer’s market! -- Locally grown items are often the same price or cheaper than supermarket produce, especially if it’s in season.
True or False? Root vegetables like carrots and potatoes cook much more quickly than vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.
Antibiotics are generally _________ in industrial agriculture settings today.
Used appropriately
In order to grow a garden, what conditions need to be met?
A large backyard
A large outdoor space
A large variety of seeds
None of the above
True or False? When vegetables are cooked in a large amount of water, many valuable nutrients tend to leave the vegetables and get thrown out with the water. It’s preferable to cook vegetables in a minimal amount of water or steam them.
True or False? Involving children in growing things (herbs, vegetable, etc) in a “kitchen garden” can make them more willing to try fresh foods like vegetables.
True or False? To begin thickening a white sauce, add flour or cornstarch to melted butter.
Fill in the blank: "Hiding" vegetables in food (like adding blended spinach to brownies) is a ___________ way to get children to eat their vegetables in the long-term.desirableless-than-ideal2. True or False? Growing a plant such as basil requires considerable effort and gardening expertise.TrueFalse3. Which of the following is recommended when cooking fish?High temperature, relatively long cooking timeLow temperature, relatively long cooking timeHigh temperature, relatively short cooking timeLow temperature, relatively short cooking time4. Which one of the following is INCORRECT with regard to cooking fish?Larger fish, like tuna and swordfish can contain contaminants, so they should not be eaten every day or in excess.Fish should be cooked at high temperatures for short amounts of time.Fresh herbs like cilantro and chives should never be used to flavor fish as they reduce nutrient content and many children don’t like “green things” on their fish.5. True or False? It is safest to not to let your children help out in the garden.TrueFalse6. Which of the following is NOT one of the potential advantages of eating locally grown produce?Locally grown produce often has a higher nutrient content because it’s not stored for prolonged periods of time during transportEating locally grown produce is better for the environment because it reduces the greenhouse gas emissions associated with long-distance transportation
Eating locally grown foods supports the local economy as farmers take home more of the net profits than when their produce needs to be shipped to distant places
Locally grown produce usually has synthetic nutrients added to it by processed food manufacturers
Which of the following is the best description for how to steam vegetables in a way that maximizes their nutrient content for our families?
Steam veggies over a small amount of water (or in a steamer basket if available) and remove while still slightly firm/crunchy
Boil veggies until they’re soft in a large amount of water and then strain them and throw away the water
Steam veggies over medium amount of water for a long time until the veggies are soft
Veggies should always be eaten raw and should never be cooked as cooking “kills” all the nutrients
You are shopping at your local grocery store in the frozen-foods section. Would ice-cream labeled “organic” be considered “healthy” for you and your children, no matter how much is eaten?
Definitely-- Organic foods are always healthy, no matter how much is eaten
Maybe not-- Organic foods aren’t always healthy foods, especially if eaten in excess
True or False? To prevent overcooking certain vegetables, you can add different vegetables to soups at different times.
If you know you will be gone for two days after you have just planted some small seeds, what can you do to prevent them from drying out? Choose ONE best answer.
Water the soil until there is a layer of water above the soil
Keep the plant away from the sunlight to prevent drying out
Push the seeds deep in the soil, where they will stay moist for a longer time
Cover the pot with plastic wrap
You would like to get some fresh, locally grown produce, but are worried that the produce at the farmer’s market will be too expensive. Should you automatically head to the supermarket instead?
Go to the supermarket! -- Locally grown items are almost always more expensive
Go to the farmer’s market! -- Locally grown items are often the same price or cheaper than supermarket produce, especially if it’s in season.
True or False? Root vegetables like carrots and potatoes cook much more quickly than vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.
Antibiotics are generally _________ in industrial agriculture settings today.
Used appropriately
In order to grow a garden, what conditions need to be met?
A large backyard
A large outdoor space
A large variety of seeds
None of the above
True or False? When vegetables are cooked in a large amount of water, many valuable nutrients tend to leave the vegetables and get thrown out with the water. It’s preferable to cook vegetables in a minimal amount of water or steam them.
True or False? Involving children in growing things (herbs, vegetable, etc) in a “kitchen garden” can make them more willing to try fresh foods like vegetables.
True or False? To begin thickening a white sauce, add flour or cornstarch to melted butter.
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To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.To travel in various was to take the car primarily because it will make the trip to in various convenient and fast, and now people in the country will set out by the passenger planes.
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