Ideas are our greatest weapons: Breathtaking ideas
Last year was quite a year for me. And let me tell you, it wasn´t one of my favorites. Last year was a lesson, and nothing more than that. Without it I wouldn´t be standing here, talking proudly about this... Last year I had an eating disorder, and I have overcome it.
Sometimes I think about it and look for the reason that caused me my inner struggles, and always get to the same conclusion, society and ideas.
Ideas are in fact our greatest weapons. Aren´t ideas responsible for causing wars and revolutions? Of course ideas have also created the perfection ideal that is imposed by the beliefs society holds. Let me explain myself, for girls it is really important to be like a Barbie, perfect, pretty and thin. But we ignore the fact that Barbies don’t have a heart or a brain and have a fixed smile, don´t they? For sure all of us here have gone through struggles at times, and they all started from an idea we were imposed to follow.
These are not ideas that I would label as positive. They are the opposite, they destroy and kill instead of inspiring, constructing…They can kill people´s own beliefs, they are imposed truths.
In this 21st century we are brainwashed by advertisements, models, and an idea of “perfection” which we seek to obtain until we either destroy ourselves, or we realize there is no such thing as perfection.
Lauren King once said