Because, during the past few nights," replied Julia, "I have
heard a strange whistle. It's very low and clear. But I don't know
where it comes from."
"Remember," I said, some gypsies are camping near the
house. Perhaps it was one of them whistling at night."
"You're probably right," Julia replied. "Anyway, it doesn't
matter. Goodnight." She smiled at me and closed my door.'
'Did you and Julia always lock your doors at night?' asked
'Yes,' replied Miss Stoner. 'We were afraid of the cheetah
and the baboon. They're dangerous animals. We didn't feel safe
unless our doors and windows were locked.'
'Of course,' said Holmes. 'Please go on.'
'That night, there was a terrible storm,' continued Miss
Stoner. 'The wind was howling and the rain was beating on the
window. I couldn't sleep. Suddenly I heard a dreadful scream. I
knew it was Julia.
'I jumped out of bed and ran into the corridor. As 1 opened my
door, I thought I heard a noise. It was a low, clear whistle. Then I
heard another sound. The second sound was like metal clanging
against metal.
'I saw that my sister's door was open. I stared at it in horror.
Suddenly Julia appeared. She was standing in the doorway. Her
face was white with terror. Her eyes were staring wildly. She was
swaying from side to side, like a drunk person.
'Then she fell on the floor. Her body moved like someone in
terrible pain.
'Suddenly she screamed these words: "Oh, my God! Helen! It
was the band! The speckled band!"
'Then she fainted11
. At that moment, my stepfather came out
of his room. He ran down the corridor to help Julia. But there was
nothing he could do.
'My stepfather went to the village to bring another doctor.
But before he returned, poor Julia was dead.'