What it all comes down to is that a mindset is an interpretative process that tells us what is going on around us. In the fixed mindset, that process is scored by an internal monologue of constant judging and evaluation, using every piece of information as evidence either for or against such assessments as whether you’re a good person, whether your partner is selfish, or whether you are better than the person next to you. In a growth mindset, on the other hand, the internal monologue is not one of judgment but one of voracious appetite for learning, constantly seeking out the kind of input that you can metabolize into learning and constructive action.
In the rest of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dweck goes on to explore how these fundamental mindsets form, what their defining characteristics are in different contexts of life, and how we can rewire our cognitive habits to adopt the much more fruitful and nourishing growth mindset.
ผลลัพธ์ (
ไอร์แลนด์) 1:
Cad a thagann sé go léir síos go dtí é go bhfuil mindset próiseas léirmhínithe a insíonn dúinn cad atá ar siúl thart timpeall orainn. Sa an meon seasta, is é sin an próiseas scóráil ag monologue inmheánach moltóireachta agus meastóireachta leanúnach, ag baint úsáide as gach píosa eolais mar fhianaise ceachtar nó i gcoinne measúnachtaí den sórt sin mar cibé an bhfuil tú ag duine maith, cibé an bhfuil do pháirtí santach, nó an bhfuil tú Tá níos fearr ná an duine in aice leat. I meon fás, ar an láimh eile, nach bhfuil an monologue inmheánach ar cheann de bhreithiúnas ach ar cheann de appetite voracious le haghaidh foghlama, de shíor ag iarraidh amach ar an chineál ionchur gur féidir leat a metabolize isteach ar fhoghlaim agus gníomh cuiditheach. Sa chuid eile de Mindset: An Síceolaíocht nua de Rath, téann Dweck ar iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar conas foirm na mindsets bunúsach, cad iad na saintréithe a shainmhíniú i gcomhthéacsanna éagsúla den saol, agus conas is féidir linn a rewire ár nósanna chognaíoch a ghlacadh an meon fáis i bhfad níos torthúil agus nourishing.
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