Introduction 59
II. Photosynthesis 62
III. Autotrophic Respiration 67
A. Maintenance Respiration 67
B. Growth and Synthesis Respiration 69
IV. Heterotrophic Respiration 71
A. Substrate Quality 72
B. Moisture and Temperature 73
C. Determining the Sources of Respired CO2 from Stable Isotope Analyses 73
V. Modeling Photosynthesis and Respiration 76
A. Gross and Net Photosynthesis 76
B. Carbon Balance of the Vegetation 78
C. Assessment of Heterotrophic Respiration 80
VI. Net Primary Production and Allocation 82
A. Seasonal Dynamics in Allocation 83
B. Annual Assessment of NPP Allocation 86
C. Allocation Indices 94
VII. Comparison of Forest Ecosystem Models 96
VIII. Summary 98