Hello Arunee, I have copied your phone number and your address into my contacts. I understand your situation and will not worry if I do not hear from you so often. I would like you to understand that sometimes I am busy and will not always be able to answer you so quickly either. If I come to Thailand, I would not expect you to meet me at the airport. That is a long way from Udon or even Roi-et. Then, what would we do? Both of us would get on a bus and go back to Udon. I want to understand clearly. You work part time in a noodle restaurant in Roi-et. Where do you stay? I know you don't return to your mom's house in Udon everyday.
I was curious about how you write to me on the internet, but I thought maybe you have a lap-top or use a friend's computer. I never thought you used your mobile! Is there anything interesting in Roi-et? Do you have any friends there? I expect I will meet your family if I am in Udon. How old are your parents? Your brothers?
When you talk about the cost of internet or getting money for the bus to the airport, I think of more important expenses. How much do you owe the university in Udon? How difficult will it be to get your diploma? This is the way to a better job. I really want you to talk to me about this!
I will send this now. I don't want you wait any longer to hear from me. I hope you are happy and well. Bye for now. Michael
On Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:08 PM, tidawan piruttanasuda wrote: