From Table 2, most sample in the group of DHs expected the positive
impact of AEC on characteristics of the services in these following items: provide
IT service for client (85.2%), work load from the service and support staff for
multicultural care (80.3%). In addition, more than half of them perceived that no
any impact from the AEC (54.1%). Most sample in the group of DNs expected the
positive impact of AEC on these following top-five items: support staff for multicultural
care (97.5%), provide IT service for client (96.3%), work load from service
(91.4%),care for high-risk foreigner clients (91.4%), and public relation with client
from other country (90.1%). Half of both groups: DHs (54.1%) and DNs (49.4%)
reported no expectation of the impact on care provision for Thai people.
Table 3
Frequency and percentage of DHs and DNs in expectation toward impact of AEC
on product of health care services