It was decided that since many hospitals have experienced the effects caused by low nurse to patient ratios, an automatic pill dispenser would prove to be a very useful tool in reducing the amount of extra preparation time. An automatic pill dispenser with the ability to distribute multiple pills for a certain patient or private individual can allow more attention to be given to patients and elderly to remember when and what dosage of their medication to take.
There has also been a great demand for a device that can reduce the amount of time that an average family spends getting their supplements ready in the morning, in which a simple key could dispense the persons own pills. The automatic pill dispenser was constructed successfully with the use of four transistors, a motor, three solenoids, a microcontroller, and a proximity sensor and key. The combination of these materials allowed us to construct a device that with an access controlled input (a proximity sensor) an output would dispense the pills based upon the individual’s key.