1 The suspension reduces vibration to the hands. 3
2 The suspension allows easy traversal of slow, difficult terrain. 2
3 The suspension enables high-speed descents on bumpy trails. 5
4 The suspension allows sensitivity adjustment. 3
5 The suspension preserves the steering characteristics of the bike. 4
6 The suspension remains rigid during hard cornering. 4
7 The suspension is lightweight. 4
8 The suspension provides stiff mounting points for the brakes. 2
9 The suspension fits a wide variety of bikes, wheels, and tires. 5
10 The suspension is easy to install. 1
11 The suspension works with fenders. 1
12 The suspension instills pride. 5
13 The suspension is affordable for an amateur enthusiast. 5
14 The suspension is not contaminated by water. 5
15 The suspension is not contaminated by grunge. 5
16 The suspension can be easily accessed for maintenance. 3
17 The suspension allows easy replacement of worn parts. 1
18 The suspension can be maintained with readily availabl e tools. 3
19 The suspension lasts a long time. 5
20 The suspension is safe in a crash. 5