I believe my experience has greatly enhanced my hospitality and customer service skills because it helps you understand people better. When you understand why passengers do and say some of the things they do, you know how to respond to them in a way that makes everyone happy.
I have a pleasant personality that makes it easy for me to connect with others. I also have the ability to stay calm and keep others around me calm in all types of unpleasant and stressful situations. In fact, I have been praised regularly for my ability to handle difficult situations delicately and professionally.
I enjoy serving passengers snacks and beverages during flight because it gives me a chance to learn a little about them. It also makes it easier to spot and resolve any issues they may have before they turn into big problems for everyone. I possess all the certifications needed to hold this position and I know how to respond in the event of a medical emergency.
I am very excited at the possibility of joining your airline and meeting you in person. Please call (123)-671-1553 to arrange an interview.