Data Analysis
Job satisfaction, job stress, and organizational commitment serve as dependent variables for this study. Because the ratings of these dependent variables are in continuous numbers, the use of multivariate models with ordinary least squares (OLS) was an appropriate statistical method for estimating the parameters in the population from which the sample was drawn in this study (Lai et al., 2013). Three OLS regression equations were conducted to determine the correlation between the variables. In the first OLS regression, job satisfaction was the dependent variable, and the independent variables were hope and self-efficacy, with nature of institution and personal characteristics included as control variables. In the second OLS regression, job stress was the dependent variable, and the independent variables were hope and self-efficacy, with nature of institution and personal characteristics included as control variables. In the third OLS regression, organizational commitment was the dependent variable, and the independent variables were hope, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and job stress, with nature of institution and personal characteristics included as control variables. The significant alpha level for this study was .05.