Batch mode adsorption experiments were carried out to show the effects of pH, contact time, and adsorbent dose on the removal percentages of CIP and NOR. Prepared carbon of 250 mm average particle size at different adsorbent dose (0.25–1.25 g/l) was mixed with 20 ml samples of CIP or NOR solutions with different initial concentrations (20–100mg/l) and different pH (2–12). The mixtures were added to 100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, and shaken at 200 rpm and 303 K for various contact times (0–150 min). Then, the samples were filtered and the concentrations of CIP or NOR in the filtrate were analyzed by using a UV-Visible Spectrophotome- ter (Shimadzu UV-160A) at maximum wavelengths of 275 and 272nm for CIP and NOR, respectively. Each experiment was duplicated under identical conditions, indeed the results of UV analysis were the average of two readings. The removal percentage of each antibiotic was determined by the following equation: