Before joining the session, all participants, a mix of passionate & intelligent women from different department and work experience were connected to each other via LINE application under the group named “DARE Supply Thailand”. LINE is one channel for participants to share & receive information or updated news on Lean-In.
The COP workshop was kicked off by fun ice-breaking to allow participants to know one another as well as grouping them into pair and work on key learning from Communicating with Confidence webinar. After that the participants were grouped into a group of 4 or 5 and shared their real life experience on successful communication using STAR model as a tool to tell story. We learned a lot from each other with different scenarios and how each lady dealt with the challenge before they succeeded.
5 mins before the workshop ended, each participant wrote down ‘One Action Commitment’ and shared with other participants. Some examples of commitment are;
“I will deal with other people in a smooth way, not using emotion and giving right information to other”
“I will not be afraid to share my opinion in the meeting”
“I will listen to understand not listen to judge”
We ended the workshop and commitment from all ladies to join the next COP workshop “Know your strength” in the next quarter