Product Lifecycle Logistics Can Reduce Supply Chain Costs An Average of 10%-20%
The key is breaking down barriers across today’s segmented supply chains
A product begins its life with maximum profit potential during the manufacturing process. But as that product moves through an increasingly complex, global supply chain, excess time and handling costs erode its profit.
Ironically, the corporate structures set up to manage this complexity can actually contribute to the problem. The average supply chain has become segmented, with different groups managing different phases of the product lifecycle in isolation. While this may add functional efficiency in specific areas, the lack of a coordinated approach creates a less efficient supply chain overall. What’s needed is a more holistic, synchronized approach to managing logistics and related supply chain services throughout a product’s lifecycle.
Product Lifecycle Logistics is a game-changing approach to treating the supply chain as a continuous whole and, in the process, lowering supply chain costs an average of 10%-20%. Making the most of this substantial savings opportunity requires a change in the way companies view and manage their supply chains – a genuine shift in perspective.