According to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. Department of Education, during 2011-2016 boarding school nationwide reported that, have a child approximately 75 percent was sent to boarding school more because their parents do not have the time to take care. Therefore, cause many subsequent problems. The issue of sending children to boarding school has been widely debated since the parent has a concerned about sending children to boarding school. It is an important issue because children will must stay away from the family, which may be adversely affected them in the future if them is placed in the boarding school. Although children in boarding schools will have discipline and responsibility, children should not be sent to boarding school because, will get an effect with emotional and psychological, they want a supervising from the parents, and talking face to face is the best.
In conclusion, although children in boarding schools will have discipline and responsibility, children should not be sent to boarding school because children will be affected emotionally and psychologically when in a boarding school, they want to take care from the family, and talk face to face can help reduce depression better. So, love and understanding between students and parents is important to make the children understand the family and lived in a boarding school was happy.