At that very instant, what appeared by his sides were enormous dark-grey statues. They were several hundred meters tall and all held sceptres. They were identical to the creature leading Chu Feng.
The only difference was that the ones by his sides were statues, while the one leading Chu Feng was a living Martial Emperor.
At first, Chu Feng even thought the statues were built by this enormous creature, but soon, he discovered he was wrong.
At that moment, in front of Chu Feng, a large door appeared. It was already opened, and inside it was dusky. Only in its depths was there a bit of light. The door could block off Spirit power; even Chu Feng’s Heaven’s Eyes were no exception.
However, what made Chu Feng shocked the most wasn’t the ajar door. It was outside the door. There were spots for two statues. However, one was vacant.
The enormous Martial Emperor creature was walking towards that empty space. Moreover, it stood neatly at that place, and went in the same position as the other statues.
Just at that moment, the most mystical scene occurred. Its body started solidifying and its golden armour started changing. It became dark-grey stone and even the Martial Emperor aura disappeared. In the end, it became a statue—one the exact same as the previous ones.
“Waa, really? This dog-head that saved you truly is a statue!
“There are so many here; they wouldn’t all be Martial Emperors, would they?” Eggy widened her mouth in amazement. She felt it was quite inconceivable.
“Haha, interesting. Truly interesting! As expected of the existence who could seal me in your body. Chu Feng, I’m getting more and more curious about your family!
“Quick! Quickly enter! Let me see what they look like!” Eggy urged amidst the shock. Not only was Chu Feng impatient, she too was impatient to find Chu Feng’s family. Not only would it unravel his ancestry, perhaps the answer could even undo her seal.
After taking a deep breath, Chu Feng strode forward and headed towards the door.
After passing through the door, his surroundings became dark. However, it was different from the darkness within the Heavenly Road. With Chu Feng’s abilities, he could still see many things within the latter. So long as it was inside a certain range, he could see everything clearly.
But here, he lost the power that a cultivator should have. It was that dark in his surroundings. Even if he used the Heaven’s Eyes, there was not the slightest bit of change.
So, Chu Feng could only head towards the faint radiance. After nearing, his expression could help but change greatly.
He finally knew where the faint light came from. It was from a small fire. But right now, what attracted Chu Feng’s attention wasn’t the fire, but the person sitting cross-legged by it.