I understand that product will be inspection by Factory and you can’t send us the manufacturing drawings.
But we have our Procedure to inspection when we receiving material.
In the assembly drawings, they have the dimension but without the tolerance on some point that we need to recheck.
And some point didn’t have in the assembly drawings.
Please see attached table for Inspection External Tendon Anchorage (6-19).
I show the point that we want to inspection to you, we need the dimension and tolerance.
We order external tendon anchorage size 6-7, 6-12, 6-15, 6-19, 6-22 and 6-27 to VSM.
So please give us the dimension and tolerance per each size of External Tendon Anchorage.
Now material that we use are 6-19, 6-12 and will use 6-15 soon.
Note : we receive some of material that can’t assembly to other material so that is the reason that why we want dimension with tolerance.