Our yearly employee performance appraisal (PA) period will commence from 10 September till 15
October 2015. This appraisal is to evaluate staff performance period from July 2014 to June 2015.
We shall use the same format as last appraisal (Templates are uploaded on HR “ Common“ server).
HOD/ Manager / GM were to furnish the form for all confirmed staff (as at 30 Jun 2015).
Asst Managers and above or executive staff with supervisory role, who needs to appraise their
subordinate (with no “Self-Apparsial”) will be receiving the file via email soon. Upon completion of
1st round of appraisal / Self-Appraisal, please forward directly to the next level of appraiser ie GM.
For those senior staff (Asst Manager and above) who need to do ”Self-Appraisal” will received the
form directly from HR department whereas their superior will not receive the form awaiting for their
subordinate to forward staff own ‘‘Self-Appraisal” for superior to complete HOD appraisal.
All staff will need to "acknowledge" & give "comment" on the excel file. This can be done after both
the employee and appraiser has gone through appraisal discussion and feedback. Lastly, all parties
have to sign electronically, scan as PDF or endorse signature on hardcopy. Pass to HR Department
via email or give hardcopy.