48 hours after extubation were analyzed with the Wilcoxon’s signedrank test.
Effect sizes within each group were calculated to measure deterioration and compared between groups for the distinct periods: from enrollment to before extubation, from before extubation to 48 hours after extubation, and from enrollment to 48 hours after extubation. The effect size of the total OAG score and each item score was calculated as the mean change at each time point divided by the standard deviation at the first time point for the corresponding variable (Kazis, Anderson, & Meenan, 1989). The effect size was calculated to examine the difference between the two groups with results converted from positive
to negative and vice versa to illustrate the deterio-ration in overall oral health and item indicators of
oral health. Interpretation of effect sizes was based on
small (0.2), medium (0.5), and large (0.8) nomen-clatures (Cohen, 1977).
48 hours after extubation were analyzed with the Wilcoxon’s signedrank test.
Effect sizes within each group were calculated to measure deterioration and compared between groups for the distinct periods: from enrollment to before extubation, from before extubation to 48 hours after extubation, and from enrollment to 48 hours after extubation. The effect size of the total OAG score and each item score was calculated as the mean change at each time point divided by the standard deviation at the first time point for the corresponding variable (Kazis, Anderson, & Meenan, 1989). The effect size was calculated to examine the difference between the two groups with results converted from positive
to negative and vice versa to illustrate the deterio-ration in overall oral health and item indicators of
oral health. Interpretation of effect sizes was based on
small (0.2), medium (0.5), and large (0.8) nomen-clatures (Cohen, 1977).
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