Material and methods
2.1. Experimental setup and sampling procedure
The facility used in this work is depicted in Fig. 1. The device "A" is the APL downdraft
gasier, at the bottom of the reactor there is the rst pressure port "P reactor". "B" is the
drum lter equipped with another pressure port "P lter". During the tests, the ltered gas
is burnt into a torch while a little amount of it is analyzed in the device "C" which is the Tar
Sampling Protocol apparatus or the Silica Gel apparatus sketched in Figures 3 and 4. During
each test, after about 30 minutes of reactor warmup, 30 minutes of Tar Sampling Protocol
was carried out setting a syngas
ow rate of about 1 Nm
/h. Subsequently, the Tar Sampling
Protocol apparatus was substituted with the Silica Gel one for other 30 minutes test maintaining
xed the
ow rate. After that, a tedlar bag was lled with cleaned syngas in order to analyze it
into a gas cromatographer.
The drum lter used in this work is basically a closed cylinder containing: two grates, two
sponges and the chosen porous media. Under and above the ltering media there is some space
for the gas to spread and slow down. The lter was lled with dierent materials then tested
with the methods previously described. The media choice occurred on the basis of several
criteria, such as material availability and quality/price ratio. The choice fells on the following
three illustrated
Material and methods2.1. Experimental setup and sampling procedureThe facility used in this work is depicted in Fig. 1. The device "A" is the APL downdraftgasi er, at the bottom of the reactor there is the rst pressure port "P reactor". "B" is thedrum lter equipped with another pressure port "P lter". During the tests, the ltered gasis burnt into a torch while a little amount of it is analyzed in the device "C" which is the TarSampling Protocol apparatus or the Silica Gel apparatus sketched in Figures 3 and 4. Duringeach test, after about 30 minutes of reactor warmup, 30 minutes of Tar Sampling Protocolwas carried out setting a syngas ow rate of about 1 Nm3/h. Subsequently, the Tar SamplingProtocol apparatus was substituted with the Silica Gel one for other 30 minutes test maintaining xed the ow rate. After that, a tedlar bag was lled with cleaned syngas in order to analyze itinto a gas cromatographer.The drum lter used in this work is basically a closed cylinder containing: two grates, twosponges and the chosen porous media. Under and above the ltering media there is some spacefor the gas to spread and slow down. The lter was lled with di erent materials then testedwith the methods previously described. The media choice occurred on the basis of severalcriteria, such as material availability and quality/price ratio. The choice fells on the followingthree illustrated
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