All registrations of Srinagarind Hospital in the period 2004-2008 were extracted and the 23,302 cases were tabulated according to basis of diagnosis and the standard indicators of data quality in cancer registration: the percentage of cases with histological verification of diagnosis (HV%). Srinagarind hospital is an 1074-bed hospital providing centralized cancer care service to patients from whole of the northeast region of Thailand. The main sources of cancer registration data are medical records of both outpatients and inpatients. The relevant information abstracted manually and recorded on a data form. The complete data form is checked and entered into the data based using CANREG4 data entry software. Cancer registry staff also collect follow-up information from clinical notes. In addition, they collect follow-up information from a data based of National Health Security Office (NHSO). International Classification of Disease for Oncology (ICD-O) is used to code both morphology and topography. And they patient status was censored on December 31, 2013