Future Plan
Tourism Related Industry is a business that provides services or sell products to tourists such as restaurants, cleaning services - printing, souvenir shops, clothing stores, etc. Because It makes business travel as part of the services that are important and relevant to other businesses and many individuals. This will result in an increase or decrease in the economy.We design to expand our company in 10 countriesinASEAN. Because ASEAN markets, their behavior in the present is to give priority to the education of children and taking more vacation. There isa rise in consumer spending as the satisfaction over the living. Well as the behavior of the time to travel more for people who work hard and need to find time for relax in their life. The amount of travel within ASEAN with moderate increases in the last 8 years, compared to global travel on the rise as well, there is also an increase in the consumer directly to the satisfaction or more.
We design to expand our company in 10 countriesinASEAN. Because ASEAN markets, their behavior in the present is to give priority to the education of children and taking more vacation.