Example 1
สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11 was a สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ, made using
powder AP1 and other ingredients but no FC50. The concentration of 1-MCP in 20 สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11 was 1% by weight, คิดจากน้ำหนัก of CF11.
0.06 gram of CF11 and 10 ml of SOL1 (to give a solution in which the concentration of 1-MCP was 50 mg per liter of solution.) were added to a 250 ml bottle.
Procedure P2 is used to measure release of 1-MCP.
Table 1.
CF11 F12
time (min) % 1-MPC released time (min) % 1-MCP released
สูตรผสม F12 was made as follows. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was made using AP1
(10% by weight) and stearic acid (90% by weight) in Procedure P1. 0.2 gram of the
ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was added to a 250 ml bottle containing 10 ml of SOLI.. The amount 5 of AP1 was chosen to yield a solution having approximately 50 mg of 1-MCP per
liter of solution. The release of 1-MCP was measured using procedure P2. Results
are shown in Table 1. สูตรผสม F12 had slower release of 1-MCP than
สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11.
10 Example 2
Effect of Particle Size
สูตรผสม F21 was made as follows. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was made using API
(10% by weight) and WX1 (90% by weight) in Procedure Pl, using conditions
adjusted to yield ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ with median particle diameter of 30 micrometers. 15 The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ (0.14 gram) was added to a 250 ml bottle containing 10 ml of
SOL1 . The amount of AP1 was chosen to yield a สูตรผสม having approximately
50 mg of 1-MCP per liter of สูตรผสม.
สูตรผสม F22 was made identically to F21, except that the conditions in Procedure P1 were chosen to yield ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ with median particle diameter of
20 60 micrometers.
The สูตรผสมs were tested by Procedure P2 and results are shown in
Table 2. สูตรผสม F22 had slower release of 1-MCP than สูตรผสม F21.
Table 2.
F21 (30 micrometers) F22 (60 micrometers
time (min) % 1-MPC released time (min) % 1-MCP released
Example 3
ที่ว่างส่วนบน in a Commercial Spray Tank
Tests were conducted using the tank of a HARDITM ES-50 commercial
5 sprayer. The capacity of the tank was 191 liter (50 gallon).
สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF31 was identical to CF11. CF31 was added to 191 liters of tap water in the tank. Concentration of 1-MCP in the tank was
25 mg/liter.
สูตรผสม F32 was made as follows. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was made using AP1 10 (10% by weight), WX1 (89.5% by weight), and DP1 (0.5% DP1), using Procedure
Pl. The powder blend was made as follows: ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was blended with
1.9% (by weight คิดจากน้ำหนัก of powder blend) SLS (powder) and 4.8% SS2 (by weight คิดจากน้ำหนัก of powder blend). 191 liter of tap water containing
0.025% SS1, by volume based on the volume of the tap water, was added to the 15 tank. Then some of the water was removed and used to form a สเลอร์รี่ with
สูตรผสม F32, and the สเลอร์รี่ was then added to the remaining water in the tank,
with agitation. Concentration of 1-MCP in the tank was 25 mg/liter.
Table 3. ที่ว่างส่วนบน concentration of
1-MCP (ppm)
In each case, after the สูตรผสม (either CF31 or F32) was added to the
tank, the tank was sealed, and 1 ml gas samples were drawn from the ที่ว่างส่วนบน port in the tank lid with gas-tight syringes, and the gas samples were analyzed using gas chromatography, reported in "ppm," which is parts by volume of 1-MCP per million
parts by volume of air. Results are shown in Table 3. สูตรผสม F32 releases 25 1-MCP much more slowly than the สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF31.
Example 4
Wax Variations
ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made using Procedure P1. 0.6 gram of each coated
powder was added to 10 ml of SOU and placed in a 250 ml bottle and analyzed 5 using procedure P2. The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs are shown in Table 4 (by weight percent).
Results are shown in Table 5. All three have slower release of 1-MCP than the control สูตรผสม Fll shown in Table 1.
Example 5
Further Wax Comparisons
ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made using Procedure Pl. 0.1 gram of each coated
15 powder was added to 10 ml of SOL1 and placed in a 250 ml bottle and analyzed
using procedure P2. The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs are shown in Table 6 (by weight percent).
Results are shown in Table 7. All three have slower release of 1-MCP than the control สูตรผสม Eli shown in Table 1.
Table 7.
Example 6
Tomato Epinasty Testing
Tomato epinasty tests were performed as follows: Tomatoes (Rutgers 39
Variety Harris Seeds No 885 Lot 37729-A3) were grown in 2 1/2" square pots filled 10 with a commercial potting mix. Two seeds were place in each pot. Plants that had
expanded first true leaves and were between 5 and 7 inches high were used for the
tomato epinasty test. To conduct the assay, a group of pots was placed on a table in
a spray booth, and a moving nozzle sprayed a liquid spray composition onto the
plants, which were then allowed to dry in a greenhouse.
15 After a waiting period of 3 days, treated and untreated plants were placed
into a plastic box and sealed. To the box, ethylene was injected through a septum, which gave a concentration of 14 ppm. The plants were held sealed for 12-14 hours in the dark with ethylene in the atmosphere. At the end of ethylene treatment, the
box was opened and scored for epinasty. The petiole angle of the third leaf is 20 reported. For each type of treatment, five replicate plants were tested, and the
average is reported.
สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF61 contained 1-MCP encapsulated in
alpha-ไซโคลเด็กซตริน and contained oil but no FC50. CF61 was mixed with water
prior to spraying. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made by Procedure P1 as follows: Coated
Powder F62 was the same as F32, ที่รวมถึง blending with SLS and SS1, as
described herein above in Example 3. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ F63 was prepared the same
way as F62, ที่รวมถึง blending with SLS and SS1, except that the ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ in
F63 contained 69.25% WX1, 30% AP1, and 0.75% DP2, by weight based on the 5 weight of the ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ. Each of F62 and F63 was placed in a solution; that
solution was 0.038% SS1 in water, by volume based on the volume of the solution.
CF61 was placed in water. The spray treatments were all conducted under the same
mechanical spray conditions. For each treatment, the concentration of สูตรผสม
or powder in the solution was adjusted to give the spray rate (in grams of 1-MCP per
10 hectare) that is shown below. Results of the test plants are shown in Table 8.
Results (average petiole angle) of the control plants were as follows:
Untreated (no exposure to ethylene and no spray treatment): 60 degrees
Unsprayed (exposure to ethylene but no spray treatment): 127 degrees
Table 8.
ตัวอย่างที่ 1สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11 ถูกราคาแบบสูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ ทำโดยใช้ ผง AP1 และส่วนผสมอื่น ๆ แต่ไม่ FC50 ความเข้มข้นของ 1-MCP ใน 20 สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11 ถูกราคา 1% โดยน้ำหนัก คิดจากน้ำหนัก CF110.06 กรัมของ CF11 และ 10 ml ของ SOL1 (ให้โซลูชันที่ความเข้มข้นของ 1-MCP มี 50 มิลลิกรัมต่อลิตรของโซลูชัน) ถูกเพิ่มเข้าไปขวด 250 มล. ใช้กระบวนการ p 2 วัดรุ่น 1-MCPตารางที่ 1CF11 F12เวลา% 1-MPC ออกเวลา% 1-MCP ออกสูตรผสม F12 ทำดังนี้ ทำผงที่ถูกเคลือบใช้ AP1 (10% โดยน้ำหนัก) และกรด stearic (90% โดยน้ำหนัก) ในกระบวนการ P1 0.2 กรัมของ ผงที่ถูกเคลือบถูกเพิ่ม 250 ml ขวดประกอบด้วย 10 ml ของ SOLI ... จำนวน 5 AP1 ได้รับเลือกให้เป็นโซลูชันที่มี 1-MCP ต่อประมาณ 50 มิลลิกรัม ลิตรของโซลูชัน รุ่น 1-MCP ถูกวัดโดยใช้กระบวนการ p 2 ผลลัพธ์ จะแสดงในตารางที่ 1 สูตรผสม F12 มีราคา 1-MCP กว่าปล่อยช้า สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF11ตัวอย่าง 10 2ผลของขนาดอนุภาคสูตรผสม F21 ทำดังนี้ ผงที่ถูกเคลือบถูกทำโดยใช้ API (10% โดยน้ำหนัก) และ WX1 (90% โดยน้ำหนัก) ในกระบวนงาน Pl ใช้เงื่อนไข adjusted to yield ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ with median particle diameter of 30 micrometers. 15 The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ (0.14 gram) was added to a 250 ml bottle containing 10 ml of SOL1 . The amount of AP1 was chosen to yield a สูตรผสม having approximately50 mg of 1-MCP per liter of สูตรผสม.สูตรผสม F22 was made identically to F21, except that the conditions in Procedure P1 were chosen to yield ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ with median particle diameter of20 60 micrometers.The สูตรผสมs were tested by Procedure P2 and results are shown inTable 2. สูตรผสม F22 had slower release of 1-MCP than สูตรผสม F21.Table 2.F21 (30 micrometers) F22 (60 micrometerstime (min) % 1-MPC released time (min) % 1-MCP releasedExample 3ที่ว่างส่วนบน in a Commercial Spray TankTests were conducted using the tank of a HARDITM ES-50 commercial5 sprayer. The capacity of the tank was 191 liter (50 gallon).สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF31 was identical to CF11. CF31 was added to 191 liters of tap water in the tank. Concentration of 1-MCP in the tank was25 mg/liter.สูตรผสม F32 was made as follows. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was made using AP1 10 (10% by weight), WX1 (89.5% by weight), and DP1 (0.5% DP1), using Procedure Pl. The powder blend was made as follows: ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ was blended with1.9% (by weight คิดจากน้ำหนัก of powder blend) SLS (powder) and 4.8% SS2 (by weight คิดจากน้ำหนัก of powder blend). 191 liter of tap water containing0.025% SS1, by volume based on the volume of the tap water, was added to the 15 tank. Then some of the water was removed and used to form a สเลอร์รี่ with สูตรผสม F32, and the สเลอร์รี่ was then added to the remaining water in the tank, with agitation. Concentration of 1-MCP in the tank was 25 mg/liter.Table 3. ที่ว่างส่วนบน concentration of1-MCP (ppm)In each case, after the สูตรผสม (either CF31 or F32) was added to thetank, the tank was sealed, and 1 ml gas samples were drawn from the ที่ว่างส่วนบน port in the tank lid with gas-tight syringes, and the gas samples were analyzed using gas chromatography, reported in "ppm," which is parts by volume of 1-MCP per millionparts by volume of air. Results are shown in Table 3. สูตรผสม F32 releases 25 1-MCP much more slowly than the สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF31. -28-Example 4Wax Variationsผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made using Procedure P1. 0.6 gram of each coated powder was added to 10 ml of SOU and placed in a 250 ml bottle and analyzed 5 using procedure P2. The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs are shown in Table 4 (by weight percent).Results are shown in Table 5. All three have slower release of 1-MCP than the control สูตรผสม Fll shown in Table 1.Example 5Further Wax Comparisonsผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made using Procedure Pl. 0.1 gram of each coated15 powder was added to 10 ml of SOL1 and placed in a 250 ml bottle and analyzedusing procedure P2. The ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs are shown in Table 6 (by weight percent).Results are shown in Table 7. All three have slower release of 1-MCP than the control สูตรผสม Eli shown in Table 1.Table 7.Example 6Tomato Epinasty TestingTomato epinasty tests were performed as follows: Tomatoes (Rutgers 39 Variety Harris Seeds No 885 Lot 37729-A3) were grown in 2 1/2" square pots filled 10 with a commercial potting mix. Two seeds were place in each pot. Plants that had expanded first true leaves and were between 5 and 7 inches high were used for the tomato epinasty test. To conduct the assay, a group of pots was placed on a table in a spray booth, and a moving nozzle sprayed a liquid spray composition onto the plants, which were then allowed to dry in a greenhouse.15 After a waiting period of 3 days, treated and untreated plants were placedinto a plastic box and sealed. To the box, ethylene was injected through a septum, which gave a concentration of 14 ppm. The plants were held sealed for 12-14 hours in the dark with ethylene in the atmosphere. At the end of ethylene treatment, thebox was opened and scored for epinasty. The petiole angle of the third leaf is 20 reported. For each type of treatment, five replicate plants were tested, and the average is reported.สูตรผสมเปรียบเทียบ CF61 contained 1-MCP encapsulated inalpha-ไซโคลเด็กซตริน and contained oil but no FC50. CF61 was mixed with waterprior to spraying. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบs were made by Procedure P1 as follows: Coated -30-Powder F62 was the same as F32, ที่รวมถึง blending with SLS and SS1, asdescribed herein above in Example 3. ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ F63 was prepared the same way as F62, ที่รวมถึง blending with SLS and SS1, except that the ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ in F63 contained 69.25% WX1, 30% AP1, and 0.75% DP2, by weight based on the 5 weight of the ผงที่ถูกเคลือบ. Each of F62 and F63 was placed in a solution; that solution was 0.038% SS1 in water, by volume based on the volume of the solution. CF61 was placed in water. The spray treatments were all conducted under the same mechanical spray conditions. For each treatment, the concentration of สูตรผสม or powder in the solution was adjusted to give the spray rate (in grams of 1-MCP per10 hectare) that is shown below. Results of the test plants are shown in Table 8.Results (average petiole angle) of the control plants were as follows:Untreated (no exposure to ethylene and no spray treatment): 60 degreesUnsprayed (exposure to ethylene but no spray treatment): 127 degreesTable 8.
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