Steve, the man out of his time, could never quite get used to all the technology. He knew the world had changed and that he had to change with it, but talking to a computer still seemed silly to him.
“I’ve battled aliens, an advanced type-writer should not be this hard to grasp”, Steve mumbled to himself as he went up to Tony’s study.
He knocked two times but got no reaction.
“Tony? Are you in there?”
The blonde placed his right ear against the wooden door, but even then heard nothing.
“JARVIS, are you sure he’s in here?”
“Positive, captain”
Steve hesitantly opened the door, his housemate never appreciated when Steve went into his study, especially without permission.
“Tony?”, he tried again.
The soldier was about to leave the study and inform JARVIS that there was something wrong with his tracking device, when he heard a muffled noise. It was pretty dark in the room, so Steve had trouble locating its origin.