The provisions given in the 2010 AISC Specification (AISC,
2010) for calculating the stiffened web strength may be reexamined
in the light of the information provided here:
1. Presently, the AISC Specification recommends halfdepth
stiffeners or doubler plates for eliminating web
crippling limit state. This, however, is not correct for
web crippling under patch loading; failure mode 1,
which is web crippling failure below the stiffener,
occurs when stiffeners are half depth. Based on the
research at the University of Maine, it is recommended
that webs shall be provided with minimum threequarters-
depth web stiffeners for eliminating web
crippling limit state.
2. Presently, the AISC Specification does not recommend
any specific optimum thickness for the stiffener. As
may be noted from the test results shown in Table 1
and the FEA parametric study (in particular, Table 4
and Figure 14), web strength increased with increase
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe provisions given in the 2010 AISC Specification (AISC,2010) for calculating the stiffened web strength may be reexaminedin the light of the information provided here:1. Presently, the AISC Specification recommends halfdepthstiffeners or doubler plates for eliminating webcrippling limit state. This, however, is not correct forweb crippling under patch loading; failure mode 1,which is web crippling failure below the stiffener,occurs when stiffeners are half depth. Based on theresearch at the University of Maine, it is recommendedthat webs shall be provided with minimum threequarters-depth web stiffeners for eliminating webcrippling limit state.2. Presently, the AISC Specification does not recommendany specific optimum thickness for the stiffener. Asmay be noted from the test results shown in Table 1and the FEA parametric study (in particular, Table 4and Figure 14), web strength increased with increase
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

The provisions given in the 2010 AISC Specification (AISC,
2010) for calculating the stiffened web strength may be reexamined
in the light of the information provided here:
1. Presently, the AISC Specification recommends halfdepth
stiffeners or doubler plates for eliminating web
crippling limit state. This, however, is not correct for
web crippling under patch loading; failure mode 1,
which is web crippling failure below the stiffener,
occurs when stiffeners are half depth. Based on the
research at the University of Maine, it is recommended
that webs shall be provided with minimum threequarters-
depth web stiffeners for eliminating web
crippling limit state.
2. Presently, the AISC Specification does not recommend
any specific optimum thickness for the stiffener. As
may be noted from the test results shown in Table 1
and the FEA parametric study (in particular, Table 4
and Figure 14), web strength increased with increase
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..