Solar power is the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by photovoltaic cells (Solar cell or Photovoltaic), which was produced for the first time in 1883 by Charles selenium in 1941 frit by using that as the beginning of the production of solar panels with elements. (→, 2011)The solar cells begins in the 19th century when it is observed that the presence of sunlight is capable of generating usable electrical energy. (Anon, 2015) Solar cells are used in many appliances. In history had been used in situations when the electrical power from the grid couldn't work. Solar power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity. (AENews, 2015) This made by the solar panels, which are big flat panels of each solar cells. It popular in the locations that far away from the city and it is also becoming more popular in the city and extend to the level of solar cell industry of the world around 50 century in America. In the first period the solar cell was very expensive, so it was only limited to use in radio communications and electrical lighting. Small remote locations only. After experiencing high oil prices in 1973 and 1979, developed countries had turned their attention on solar power and began developing more seriously. After the publication of the information world. Expert Group on Climate Change. Installing solar panels with volume increases between 10-20% annually in the installation is also less. Today solar cells in a wide variety of places such as powered cars. There is even a solar powered aircraft that has flown higher than any other aircraft with the exception of the Blackbird. With the cost of solar cells well within everyone's budget, solar power has never looked so tempting. (→, 2011)