Percentage change in the number of full and part-time jobs in Florida
Florida’s unemployment rate as a percentage of the U.S.unemployment rate
Florida’s average personal income as a percentage of the U.S. average personal
Florida’s average wage as a percentage of the U.S. average wage
Percentage of Florida households that believed they were better off financially
than a year ago
Percentage of Floridians living in poverty
32 Alasdair Roberts
Millions of gallons of fresh water used per day in Florida for agricultural use
Gallons of water used per Florida resident served by Florida’s public water
suppliers, such as city and county water departments
Percentage of domestic wastewater that was reclaimed and reused for
agriculture, landscaping, or other beneficial purposes
Number of plant and animal species in Florida that were showing a
decline in population or living in a habitat prone to development or subject
to other disturbances: (a) plants, and (b) animals
Percentage of high quality natural areas in Florida that were protected
from development
Percentage of surface water bodies in Florida where the water quality was
rated good: (a) lakes, (b) streams, and (c) estuaries
Percentage of Floridians living in areas where the outdoor air meets or
exceeds air quality standards
Pounds of municipal solid waste collected per Florida resident
Percentage of municipal solid waste collected that was recycled
Percentage of Floridians who trusted state government to do what was
right almost always or most of the time
Percentage of Floridians who trusted the federal government to do what
was right almost always or most of the time
Percentage of Floridians who rated the job their local government was
doing as good or excellent
Percentage of Floridians who rated the local law enforcement services
where they lived as good or excellent
Percentage of Floridians who rated highways and roads where they lived
as good or excellent
Percentage of Floridians who rated the freshwater quality (lakes, streams,
and rivers) where they lived as good or excellent
Percentage of Floridians who rated the social services where they lived as
good or excellent
Percentage of Floridians who voted in presidential elections
Percentage of Floridians who voted in nonpresidential elections
Source: Florida Commission on Government Accountability to the People 1998.