McJob, for example, is the first generational neologism listed in the book and is defined in two sentences: "A low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, low-benefit, nofuture job in the service sector Frequently considered a satisfying career choice by people who have never held one. 9Not surprisingly, McJob is also the aspect book that members of the mass media popularized with the greatest zeal. Of course members of the mass often do not have time or patience for whole books nor the space to engage in their full exegesis or a large enough paying audience with sufficient attention and interest to warrant such critical attention. This is true of academic life as well, in which far more is written than could ever be read, much less read carefully and fully considered. How many undergraduates, how many faculty members, have ever read the whole of Moby Dick? In our accelerated culture, who has the time or patience for this? Coupland, of course, cannot be blamed for the workings of the accelerated culture of which and from which he wrote: like everything else about Generation x, this culture controlled the media reportage and it controlled him. He could not write about the whale from anywhere else other than from within the whale.