You are going to write an article for a popular magazine about people who are interested in visiting Britain, and learning about its culture. These are not usual textbook photos, but images that reflect the history, geography, and ‘way of life’ of modern British culture.
You should comment on the culture, like as if you would read in a magazine. This is not a travel or tourism guide, or a history or geography textbook, but a culture magazine like you would see for sale in shops.
The article contains a mixture of facts and opinion, so you should think about what we will be learning class about history and geography, way of life, and other aspects of modern Britain.
But you also should comment your opinion… So, what is your opinion?
Remember that “Culture is steeped in history”.
And: “the shape of landscape shapes culture”
Think about these things and it should help you tell the story of the photo.
But also think about other aspects that make up culture that we haven’t covered yet. You can look at the syllabus to get some ideas!
Remember from our first class about how culture can be the Big ‘C’ (Civilisation), and the little ‘c’ (behaviours of people). So, think about customs, tradition, and way of life when describing the photo.
• One picture, one article, one person. This is an INDIVIDUAL project for your skills
• Think about what the picture represents, and then write a few words about how you can describe aspects of modern British culture that is shown.
• The photos may contain more than one thing you can write about, so please look at your photo carefully.
You can use these starter questions as a guide to write your article:
WHO or what is in the picture?
-- This may be a person, an animal, landscape, or a famous landmark.
WHAT is the person or animal doing?
-- What does the photo represent?
WHERE is the photo?
-- Where the photo was taken will tell you a lot about the story.
WHY is the person or animal doing what they are doing?
-- What does this signify about modern British culture?
WHENis not important.
-- Actually you don’t need to worry about when the photo was taken,since they are all very recent (as they represent aspects of modern British Culture).
• …You are telling a story.
• …The photo shows the story, and you need to tell it.
• …Use your knowledge of British culture to tell the story.
• …As you learn more and more about Britain, this will help you write your article.
• …You can use the internet to search for extra ideas, to help you write the article.
**Submission Instructions**
1. Please write directly into the word document and then save it, before submittingto teacher (you can delete -- lines --).
2. This is a three-part project, and you must complete all three parts for the magazine.
**Your Teacher will tell you submission date**
Remember, this project counts towards your final grade, so no excuses please!