i hope so.. I mean. They love keeping people excited or left hanging in every episode.. Hahahha. Well, i never read the novel so i really can't say what will happen on the story.
They certainly didn't write Jean as very bright. You can see how much Fuse loves Tee and Tee loves Fuse. Fuse even turned to Tee when he was introducing Jean to Rodtang. And he turned to Tee when Jean asked him if he wanted to smell her lipstick. He turns to Tee for all the decisions he needs to make and Tee is the one that got him the drink he likes. Not just gives him his left over drink because he didn't want it anymore. Uh yeah I don't like Jean. She cheated on Fuse right from the start and then told Fuse he had to prove by kissing her that he still loved her. And Tee just told Fuse that he loved him, but he has let Fuse make his own choice in their relationship. But dang Fuse is so back and forth with Tee