1.1. Necessity of Study
This as the average lifespan is prolonged, the elderly population is rapidly increasing, leading to the issue of senior citizens in the aging society [1]. In Korea, the elderly over
65 year of age shares 7.2% of the overall population. It is estimated that Korea would
enter the aged society in 2018 and the super-aged society in 2050 that likely will share
14.3% and 38.2% of the population, respectively [2]. The 5th Study of Korea National
Health and Nutrients, increase in chronic diseases for 65 year-olders or older would dramatically increase the socioeconomic burden [3]. Combined with such such rapid
growth in the elderly population, social and environmental changes arisen from women's
social activities and family nucleation, the more elderly women would be admitted to senior care [4]. Elderly people in the facility experience anxiety when adjusting themselves because of strange surroundings and negative consciousness about the facilities. Their anxiety gets more severe as getting older [1]. In addition, the elderly in the sanatorium suffers more from sleeping disturbance and have lower quality of sleeping compared to those who are in their homes [5].
Given that sleeping and relaxation are important for the elderly and alternative therapies such as massage [4-6], and music therapy [7] are recommended as ways to
efficiently relieve such anxiety and bad sleep problems of the elderly. Massage is considered a safe way to, prior to medical therapy, soothe physio-psychological stresses