Almost everyone knows that exercise has a huge positive impact on your physical health – it can add years to your life – but what are all those invisible benefits that are happening internally? As the organs get challenged by exercise to work more efficiently and draw oxygen (every cells requires it) in more rapidly, your heart rate, breathing rate, and circulation increase, allowing your cells to receive more nourishment and encouraging them to eliminate waste. Then the blood vessels widen to accommodate the increased fluid flow caused by the demand for oxygen. Openness promotes fluid flow. As we open our internal physical body, our mind also clears up and connects to spirit. We expand energetically. With this open mind-body-spirit connection, we are holistically ready to receive new information and possibilities of what is necessary and good for ourselves. Blood and lymphatic fluids carry the oxygen (and nutrients) that nourish every cell. Fluids are vehicles for nourishment as well as for removal of unwanted and unnecessary waste products from the body. Exercise promotes the flow of lymph fluid, which moves like waves in response to muscle contraction. Unlike with the circulatory system, which has a pump (the heart) that moves its fluids up and down in spite of gravity, the lymphatic system depends on you to move around in order to get its fluid also moving. Overall, circulation of fluid lubricates joints, moistens body and keeps us flowing from within.