“DO YOU KNOW MRS. NADIA?” Nadia is a pioneer in a congregation in northern Italy. In September 2009 she spoke through the intercom to a man who immediately interrupted her to tell her that his wife had just died and that he did not want to talk to her. The following Sunday, Nadia went back to express her condolences and to highlight the Bible’s resurrection hope, but the man’s reaction was the same. The Watchtower Study that was held that same afternoon included the experience of a sister who had written a letter to someone who had lost a loved one in death. That made Nadia think of the man she had spoken to over the intercom, so she decided to write a letter of condolence and include details about the resurrection hope. Two days later, she left the letter in the man’s mailbox.
Several days later, Nadia was engaging in street work and stopped a man in his 70’s to read a Bible verse to him. The man asked if she was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Nadia replied that she was. The man went on to explain that he had been visited by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who had left him a beautiful letter that deeply moved him. He then asked, “Do you know Mrs. Nadia?” With much amazement on the part of both of them, Nadia introduced herself and made arrangements to visit him with her husband. Not only did the man start to study the Bible but he is now regularly attending the meetings.