Yes tv causes violence There has been overwhelming evidence that suggest viewing violent and aggressive behavior on television, does indeed directly affect children. Children are great imitators. Imaginary play and modeling their favorite characters are commonplace among the young. Children can and readily do imitate what they see. Just ask any parent whose child has learned their ABC's by watching Sesame Street. They will all tell you that their child watched Big Bird, Ernie and the other characters reciting the alphabet over and over. After repeated viewing their child began reciting their ABC's from memory. This act alone reinforces the idea, that through imitation and repeated exposure children can learn. Learning violence is no exception. It can be imitated and learned in the same manner as how the alphabet was committed to memory. The only difference is when children watch negative behavior, it is that negativity that they learn and mimic. It is not something as harmless as the ABC's. Authorities on child behavior agree that what a child watches does indeed affect their behavior. According to The American Academy of Child and Adolescence Psychiatry, "Extensive viewing of television violence by children causes greater aggressiveness.
Posted by: prabhman