A meta-analysis carried out by Hawton et al [21] showed
individual factors with robust evidence of increasing the
risk of suicide in schizophrenia: being male, white, living
alone, not living with family, recent loss, hopelessness,
agitation/restlessness, low self-esteem, fear of mental
disintegration, poor compliance, previous SA and suicidal
ideation, presence of depression (both in the past and
recently), drug misuse (which interestingly lost significance
when alcohol was included), presence of impulsivity, and a
family history of depression. Reduced risk was associated
with hallucinations [21].
A meta-analysis carried out by Hawton et al [21] showedindividual factors with robust evidence of increasing therisk of suicide in schizophrenia: being male, white, livingalone, not living with family, recent loss, hopelessness,agitation/restlessness, low self-esteem, fear of mentaldisintegration, poor compliance, previous SA and suicidalideation, presence of depression (both in the past andrecently), drug misuse (which interestingly lost significancewhen alcohol was included), presence of impulsivity, and afamily history of depression. Reduced risk was associatedwith hallucinations [21].
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