Dating A Scorpio Man
◾Hurting a Scorpio male’s ego is one of the highly risky tasks. As such, do not ever make an attempt to do that, as some take excessive time to fully recover from such emotional bruise or even a slight scratch given by women. If you want to earn their true love, all you have to do is praise or admire them, putting them on a pedestal and becoming sensitive to their needs. With this, you can take the pride of being the luckiest person to be under the protective arms of your partner.
◾Ladies, if you ever happen to be in a dating scenario with your Scorpio guy, you must be careful of one thing that he loves secrecy and intrigue. Avoid playing games with him as this wouldn’t impress him, rather induce feelings of jealousy. With a traditional element found in his personality, he won’t take such a behavior lightly.
◾Scorpio guys expect extreme loyalty and devotion. Per se, if your partner finds any elements of suspicion or doubt, he’ll rather back out from the situation than sorting out matters.
◾Sensitivity and emotions are two important ingredients of Scorpio men that lie hidden. Therefore, ensure that you do not portray a too sentimental behavior as gushy romance falls under his apprehension. On the contrary, you have to be sensitive with an element of not being too critical such that it does not hurt the bond you both share.
◾Your Scorpion man would always want to have the upper hand. It is advisable on your part to keep it secret whatever you notice about him. No matter how well you understand his each and every gesture, do not let him know that you have an expertise to read his secret agenda!
◾You must be aware and careful about the downfalls of dating a Scorpio men, particularly if you are independent and controlling at most times. They are those guys who do not easily compromise, which, at times, you’ll have to. Leading from the front is the quality inhibited in their genes. So, relax and let him do as he pleases and feels right.